This is a sample Dashboard showing automatically detected insights for the dataset (Retail Orders). Using the power of AI, AnswerDock automatically runs machine learning algorithms and uncovers interesting insights. Learn more at
-AnswerDock identified (12) Insights through 39380 drills on 4 metrics and 11 dimensions, in 1 Minute,5 Seconds.
-Analysis types used are: Anomalies Detection,Trends Detection,Correlation Detection,Clusters Detection,Outliers Detection (Time Series),Cross Correlation Detection (Time Series).
-Columns included: Category, City, Customer ID, Customer Name, Discount, Order Date, Order ID, Product ID, Product Name, Profit, Quantity, Region, Sales, Segment, Ship Date, Ship Mode, State, SubCategory.
FOR Florida (State), Sum Discount has a very strong positive correlation with Sum Quantity (correlation=0.9227)
FOR Paper (SubCategory), Sum Discount has a very strong positive correlation with Sum Profit (correlation=0.8081)
FOR New York (State), Sum Quantity has a strong positive correlation with Sum Discount (correlation=0.7130)
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